
All you need to know about Elder Rank


Make sure you did take a look at these materials to understand fully how the OpenGuild Membership System works.

Requirements | XP Milestone: 1595XP

To become a LowLeveler, you only need to pick tasks listed in Quests for Bounty & XP farming and upload your works on our Discord #proof-of-work channel so the XP will be counted.

  • Approach 1: You must be a LowLeveler with 1595XP

  • Approach 2: You must be a LowLeveler and you are nominated by THREE (3) Elder.

Common Benefits

These benefits are allocated to all membership type. To see the specific benefits for each membership type, visit #specific-benefits

  • Access to open-source projects made the OpenGuild Labs contributors. Find more on our OpenGuild Labs Github

  • Access to courses, events & workshops managed and made by the OpenGuild community members. Find more on Hackathon, Projects & Events

  • Community Merch: As a member, you will receive merchandises depend on your contribution to the community. The more you contribute, the more quality merchandises you will receive.

  • Receive latest news and announcements related to Rust and Polkadot ecosystem.

  • Receive community Proof of Contribution (POC) and Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) NFTs.

Membership Benefits

  • Receive full benefits of Member and LowLeveler membership.

  • Participate as a speaker or organizing events hosted or partnered by the OpenGuild community. Building your brand image in the Rust & Polkadot ecosystem.

Last updated