🀯Track Deep Dive

Learning more about specific track in the Polkadot Open Hackathon hosted by OpenGuild

🟧 Develop a new Substrate runtime modules


How to win this track?


In this track, we don't expect you to build a fully functional blockchain using Substrate but only a functional runtime module which solves a specific problems. If you are new to Polkadot and Substrate. Follow tutorials from the official documentation or learn from the Substrate Hackathon Knowledge Map which contains many resources.

Runtime modules are core components of FRAME system in Substrate Runtime development. The FRAME development environment provides modulesβ€”called palletsβ€”and support libraries that you can use, modify, and extend to build the runtime logic to suit the needs of your blockchain. Below are some examples:

  • pallet-staking is used to manage funds at stake by network maintainers which is used to implement the Proof of Stake blockchain or NPOS (Nominated Proof of Stake) blockchain using Substrate.

  • pallet-evm is the EVM module allows unmodified EVM code to be executed in a Substrate-based blockchain.

  • pallet-nft allow developers to easily implement NFT-related actions within their dApp.


Learn from other projects

🟦 Write a new interactive tutorial for Polkadot development


How to win this track?


This track expects you to build an interactive tutorial that helps other developers to learn Polkadot technology easier. The tutorial can be about Polkadot SDK, XCM or Parachain Deployment...Let's be creative.


  • dotcodeschool: Dot Code School is an interactive online school that teaches you how to build meaningful web3 applications using the Polkadot SDK. Learn how to build your own custom blockchain from zero to one hundred.

  • Rust State Machine: This tutorial tries to directly address this by having you build a completely vanilla Rust project which does all the same tricks as the Polkadot SDK, so you know first hand what is going on behind the scenes.

  • Substrate Kitties: Learn to build a NFT blockchain using Substrate

  • Nominated Proof of Stake Blockchain Tutorial with Substrate: Guide you how to create a layer-1 blockchain using NPOS as a consensus mechanism.

🟨 Deploy an Appchain on DanceBox, Tanssi's Testnet


How to win this track?


Tanssi is an appchain infrastructure protocol that makes deploying blockchains with custom logic specific to certain types of applications significantly easier than what is available today.

Appchains provide the ultimate control over the logic that powers the runtime of the blockchain. Consequently, they offer an excellent way for projects to scale and build optimized solutions for their products, resulting in a superior user experience.

Dancebox is the first public Tanssi TestNet and is designed to streamline the deployment of appchains. It allows teams to swiftly onboard and launch their appchains within minutes, providing a robust environment for testing and development.


🟩 Developer tools & libraries for Substrate


How to win this track?


Build developer tools and libraries that support the Substrate development.


πŸŸͺ Build a NFT application using Unique Network SDK


How to win this track?


Unique Network is the next-generation NFT chain for advanced use cases and mass adoption and is an infrastructure for the next generation NFTs, offering developers independence from network-wide transaction fees and upgrades.

Learn about projects built on top of Unique Network: https://unique.network/usecases/


Unique Network provides various tools for application development.

🟫 Build an application powered by Phala Network


How to win this track?


Phala Network is revolutionizing Web3 by providing dApp developers with an off-chain compute infrastructure that is truly decentralized and trustless. By connecting Smart Contracts to our off-chain programs called Phat Contracts, developers can supercharge their dApps with seamless cross-chain integrations, connectivity to the internet, and heavy computation. Phat Contracts make your Smart Contracts even smarter, and can be integrated in minutes using our no-code developer experience Phat Bricks.


Last updated