🍨Project Qualification

Learn how the project is qualified in the hackathon events

Tips to make a good Web3 project

  • Meet a complete standard of the UI/UX quality and functionalities

  • Identify a clear roadmap of the projects

  • Good README file to demonstrate the application

  • A demo video of the project

  • Finding mentors from TheLowLevelers community Elder and Member

πŸ“˜ Hackathon Project Qualification Guide

Preliminary review 50%: (technical dimension)

  1. Technical difficulty (20%): The problem solved has a certain technical threshold and there is a certain breakthrough at the technical level;

  2. Project completion (20%): The project is fully realized, not just the concept, and the Demo/POC display is complete;

  3. Standardization (10%): The project is submitted within the specified time and the content is standardized.

The preliminary review will mainly review the project's code submission, new features, test improvements, inheritance, deployment, etc. during the hackathon. Submitting a project with a clear history will help the reviewers understand the actual development work of the project.

Final 50%: (Business Dimension)

  1. Commercial value (20%): Can solve problems and be used in industry scenarios you know;

  2. Innovation (20%): novel ideas, breakthroughs, breaking conventional thinking;

  3. User experience (10%): including how intuitive and understandable the submitted solution is to potential users.

The team participating in the demo is determined by the score of the technical preliminary review. After the demo is completed, the review can be adjusted based on the situation of the demo and the actual developed functions.

Last updated