πŸ“œRequest for Contributions

List of potential open-source contribution to Rust & Polkadot ecosystem

Community Open-source Contribution

DescriptionLinkStatusPotential Market Fit

Rust implementation of the @polkadot-js/api

🚜 In-progress

Provide a flexibility to developers who want to build Rust app & system using Polkadot RPC providers

Full-suite Polkadot development experience tools

😴 Backlog

Simplify Polkadot development with a suite of RPC calls & libraries.

Coretime Game

😴 Backlog

Simulate and gamify the architecture of agile coretime for educational purpose

IDE for ink!

😴 Backlog

Browser IDE with compile, build, template and collaborative coding feature for ink! smart contract.

Ecosystem Contributions

Polkadot Open-source Issues

Web3 Foundation RFPs & Grants

For Elder and LowLeveler, you can consider the Web3 Foundation Grants

Last updated