🌟OG Technical Contributor

Program for OpenGuild technical experts & contributors

OpenGuild Technical Contributors is the interal group of members managed by OpenGuild Labs to gather experience technical contributors and developers into one hub. Instead of building and contributing alone, individuals can join the OG Technical Contributors to grow further together.

Polkadot Technical Fellowship is a decentralized organization that most technical contributors in the Polkadot ecosystem are keen on joining it. However, the barrier entry is high, especially for builders who don't have prior experience in blockchain and Polkadot. Hence, OpenGuild Technical Contributor is a sub-group of the OpenGuild Labs that helps builders to contribute actively and collaboratively to the Polkadot ecosystem with a more friendly entry barrier.

Becasue OG Technical Contributor are still members of the OpenGuild community, you still receive full benefits of the

For Elder and LowLeveler, OG Technical Contributor is an optional sub-organization that you can join to leverage your technical skills. However, if you are not interested into the technical contribution, we still have bunches of other activities and benefits for you aside from this.

The differences between OG Technical Contributor and the OpenGuild Ranking System are:

FeatureOG Technical ContributorsOpenGuild Members

Technical mentored by experts from Parity and Parachain teams.



Open-source contribution guidance



Grant & Bounty submission support



This collective focus on:

  • A playground for LowLeveler and Elder members

  • Building the strong technical foundation of Fellowship members in Rust programming and Blockchain

  • Open-source contributing to the libraries and project in Rust and Polkadot ecosystem

  • Hosting technical workshops for the community member

Technical Contributor Admission

  • Read the guidelines for Ranking System carefully

  • To become the candidate for OG Technical Contributor, you must be an active Member of the OpenGuild community

  • Ensure that you can show the commitment and decent contribution to the community

Technical Contributor Activities & Benefits

  • Weekly calls between Technical Contributor for technical support and open-source collaboration

  • Access to closed resources made by OpenGuild Labs contributors.

  • Collaborate with other OG Technical Contributor to deliver open-source projects. View more at List of Technical Activites

  • Technical mentorship section hosted by experts from Parity and Parachain teams.

  • Hackathon grant submission support.

  • Bounty for your open-source contribution is provided in Quests for Bounty & XP farming


  • Join the weekly OG Technical Contributor calls. The time will be settled and announced to fit with other technical contributors personal schedule.

  • Be active and cooperative in the Technical Contributor channel.

  • Actively support other contributors on their technical growth.

  • Active discussion on the shared channels of the OG technical contributors.

  • Respectful and helpful to other OG technical contributors.

  • In-charged issues on Github of the Polkadot ecosystem. List of potential projects to contribute to can be found here: Dev Focused Activities

Last updated