✨List of Technical Activites

Where you can find activities to work on as the OG technical contributors

Opensource Repositories

OpenGuild Labs focus primarily on contributing to the open-source issues of projects in the Polkadot ecosystem and building new softwares to help grow the Polkadot developer experience.

Contributing to top Polkadot repositories

You can consider OpenGuild Labs as an umbrella entity that represents the OG Technical Contributor to contribute to the top repositories in the Polkadot ecosystem. Walking through a bit on how open-source contribution works, as external collaborators, we don't have a privellege to push code directly to the main branch of the repository. Hence, we need to fork a project and push commits to the forked repository's branch and request to merge our forked commits to the main repository.

Pick one of the repositories listed above to contribute. Only merged Pull Requests that coming from the forked repositories will be counted as a valid contribution of the OG Technical Contributor

Contributing to repositories made by OpenGuild Labs

On the other hand, we recommend the OG Technical Contributor to be creative and thoughtful on the problems happening in the Polkadot ecosystem. By that way, you can propose a solution for the problem by making a tutorial or opensource software in the future.

Workshops, Documentation and Tutorials

Last updated